In The News
Wellness: Why Can't We All Just Relax.
Looking at the biomechanics of musicians through the eyes of a physical therapist with Dr. Misty.
Why Every Town Needs a Stage.
Join Jehan Izhar and others as they talk about the LOVE for Smaller Towns and PASSION for Bigger Thinking.
Pole Position: How the It-Fitness Trend Stripped Away Skeptics.
Check out insight from Dr. Misty in Vogue.
Meet Jehan Izhar of The Stage in Pomona.
Check out an interview with Jehan Izhar in VoyageLA.
Jennifer Lopez's pole dancing for 'Hustlers' sparks fitness craze
Ep. 16 : Movement Therapist + Circus Theater Producer, Jehan Izhar
No gym? No problem.
Read the interview with Jehan Izhar